Rocka-Bye Island Season 01
Preschoolers, Sean and Roisin hop on board a school-boat with their schoolmates to head off for a day of fun and learning on Rocka-Bye Island. The children's teacher is "Mister O’Dear", who just happens to be a six-foot-six deer. Through catchy songs, imagination and teamwork the children learn about their world and how it works, all with the support of their many animal friends and a mechanical assistant named “Rauri Robot.”. After Magpie 6’s success creating 80 preschool shorts for Disney, “Rocka-Bye Island” was the first of the studio’s original series. (26 episodes x 11 minutes)
Project Info
Client Name :
RTE Junior
Date :
Category :
, M6M Original Creation
, M6M TV Series Project
, Original M6M IP
, Preschool