
Sir Mouse Season 01

In the dim and distant middle ages, in a rather absurd little world, live the stubborn and fiery Mouse and the mild-mannered Dragon. Sir Mouse, recounts these best friends’ adventures. Mouse is a brave knight, and she is ever ready to do battle. But in a world without war it is mostly boredom she has to contend with. Until someone new cries for help or King sends her and Dragon on an important quest. Our gallant heroines fly into action with total commitment. But when the mission looks like failing (as it invariably does), Mouse gets so frustrated, so angry, that she explodes. (26 episodes x 11 minutes)

The Travels of the Young Marco Polo Season 01

In a time when the earth was believed to be flat and there was much to discover, young Marco Polo sets off to find his missing father, who vanished while exploring the Road to China. Accompanied by his strong, good-natured friend Luigi, the “Chinese princess” Shi La Won, and their tame bat FuFu, the brash Marco is ready to take on the world with his great curiosity, his burning thirst for knowledge and his gift for getting into trouble. With Marco’s father’s journal as a guide, their wild adventure takes them through distant lands and mystical times. Along the way they learn about different people and cultures, make new friends, and work together to overcome obstacles and opponents alike. This was Magpie 6 Media’s first co-production. The series was featured on Netflix. Our studio was responsible for Key Posing, Shot Prep, 2D and Effects Animation. (26 Half Hours)