The Wee Littles – Season 02
The adventures of the Wee Littles continue! They had so much fun showing everyone their home, family, and friends; the Wee Littles are ready to do it all over again in Season Two. The Wee Littles want us to join them as they explore the rocky terrain of the Burren, the lively tidepools of Lahinch Beach, and even join Bitsy and her best friend Beaky as they have fun at their creche. We’ll meet new characters such as a baby wren the Wee Littles baby sit, LorWrenzo. Bitsy and Beaky will introduce you to their diverse schoolmates. They even meet new aquatic friends in a Lahinch Beach tidepool. (Preschool - ages 4 to 6) Proposed 52 episodes x 5 minutes
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Check out The Wee Little’s own website @ theweelittles.com
AND you can visit their own online shop! theweelittles.shop