Brewster the Rooster – Season 02
Brewster's chomping at the bit to see all his freinds in Season Two! He met so many fun characters like Cod Wriggles, Mr Moon, Bob O’Tummy and Thinky Brain, that he wants them to join ihim again on Skerries Island. It even includes a half hour Christmas special! The series is all about a rooster named Brewster and his best friend Maggie. They're fast friends, always interested to learn how their world works. Whenever a friend ponders, "Why doesn’t the moon fall down?" or "Why do fleas bite dogs?" Brewster and Maggie do their silly little tap dance to open their imaginations. Through creative thinking, they come up with many possible answers, always positively building upon everyone’s ideas, and take their young fans on a journey of discovery in a way that will not only entertain, but will get creative thinking caps whirring! Preschool - ages 4 to 6, 26 episodes x 7 minutes.